Monday, November 21, 2011

Comeback Countdown

HELLLOOOOOOO, anybody still there????

I just wanted to say I'm here and thinking of you all!!!!.....I will have my "official" comeback in the next few days, and will fill you in on everything, from my weight loss, job resignation, and the "surgery" that I had at 10am this morning.

Hope you are all still with me........just a few more can make it, you have held out this long....xoxoxo

Leelou Blogs


  1. Hi Twin!! Missed you. Cannot wait to hear what's going on! *hugs*

  2. I am here and was missing you! Looking forward to the update.

  3. Missed you, honey! Can't wait to hear all about it.

  4. Glad to see you back and can't wait to hear all about your happenings!


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