Now I noticed my carbs this week were a little more than my previous ones due to the AMAZING soup I ate for lunch all week....
Do you think that's maybe why? My husband seems to think so, he said even though I am staying within my calories having all those carbs slows down my weight loss. I think from now on though anything that is higher in carbs I'm going to try to consume them at lunch time or earlier in the day, so they aren't sitting in my tummy at night.
I guess losing weight is also trial and error for anyone. All our bodies are different and they react in different ways, I'm just going to have to find the best solution for me.
I did realize something.....TURKEY MEATBALLS ARE OUT!!!.....I cannot stand them, they aren't meatball should be made with ground beef period. So I went searching and I did find a low cal meatball recipe and I will be making them this week, so I will let you know how that turns out.....

This may be off topic, but I am a shoe fanatic, and there are a pair of Nike runners that I want realllllly bad, so I figure that I will get them for myself as a treat once I reach my goal of 250lbs. I was shooting for April 1st, but that doesn't look reachable as I would have to lose 25 in a months time. So I'm readjusting that to May 1st. By then though there will probably be a different pair out that I want OR I could just get right Dan would kill me.

Today I had a GLORIOUS lunch. It was fast food (but not really)
I had my husband pick me up a baked potato (nothing on it....nope, no butter, and noooo cheese) and a small chili from Wendy's. I poured the chili all over the baked potato and BAM an amazing, tasty, low cal, low fat, high fiber lunch.....490 calories,7 grams of fat, and 13 grams of fiber.....I am definitely going to keep this in the back of my mind if I need something fast, and I'm out and about. Kinda high in the carb department because of the tater, but that's why I ate it for lunch and not dinner, and boy did it keep me full for a long time.
Now for my measurements:
Current Weight: 274.2 lbs
Chest: 47"
Waist: 42 1/2"
Hips: 55"
Left Arm: 17"
Right Arm: 17"
Left Thigh: 34"
Right Thigh: 34"
That makes my total inches lost this week: 1"
Grand Total: 7 1/2"
1 inch is better than no inches I guess....I am not going to let this discourage me, so don't worry.....until next time xoxoxo