I know my absence has been causing some grief, hence the emails I have been getting about it. I will be back soon I promise. I just need to get my "life" back into the routine that it has been used to.
The last few days I have been sick in bed with a horrible sinus/chest infection, that I'm on medication for. Good news is that this gives me an opportunity to catch you all up. Not that I really have anything exciting to say cause I have done nothing but work and sleep.
So far this is where I am at with my weight loss......219.6lbs.....that's a total loss of 63.4lbs.
I have gone from a size 24 to a size 16. Boy is it hard on the pocket book though, especially with all the new "business" clothes that I had to purchase for my new position.

I also received a blogger award during my hiatus from Fat in Suburbia. It is a Versatile Blogger award. I think this is perfect for me.....as I go from one thing to another.....lol
Versatile: ver-sa-tile [vur-suh-tl] or, especially British, [vur-suh-tahyl]: capable of, or adapted for, turning easily from one to another various tasks, fields of endeavor, etc.: a versatile writer.
Here is how the award works:
- You thank the person who presented you with the award.
- You tell 7 things about yourself.
- You award 5 other newly discovered bloggers.
Thank you Fat In Suburbia for thinking of me.....I love my followers!!!
7 Things About Me:
- I'm a bookaholic. I can read a 400 page book in a day. If I'm into it I just can't put it down.
- I'm a Gin & Tonic drinker. Most of my friends tease me and say it smells like pine needles.
- I've had a knife pulled on me twice, and both times I walked away without a scratch.
- I didn't cry at my wedding or the birth of my son....my husband calls me a hardass.
- I love designer glasses....I have 8 pairs....I sometimes think people remember me for my frames.
- I HATE cake.
- My husband thinks I'm a witch....
5 Blogs I'm Awarding This To:
- My Hips Don't Lie
- I'm just a girl & I've had it up to here
- Runs for Cookies
- 70lbs 2 Go
- Ronnie's Bandumentary
Have a great Halloween everyone!!!!!!