50 Dollars?....Nope
50 Cent?...Nope
50 Pounds?....Damn Right!!!
in 6 months.....
Holy Crap!!!!!
I don't know whether to cry, scream, run around saying "hallelujah", or to thank Baby Jesus. I cannot believe I have actually come this far. I know I still have a ways to go, but wow.
So you can see my official weigh in this week is 232.8 lbs. That's a 3.6 lbs loss from last week. Boy did I ever come through on the "I'm gonna kick some ass this week" speech.
I completed week 3 of the C25K program, drank a ton of water, and just ate healthy. That's it. Hopefully this means that I am over my plateau and into the next phase of my weight loss.
I started tracking my heart rate & calories burned with my heart monitor watch. I purchased it about a year and a half ago when I first started babbling on about losing weight. Obviously it was a new toy that went straight into the drawer.....until now.
Isn't she pretty??? |
I would like to share a NSV (non-scale victory) with you guys that I was pretty excited about. I recently graduated from a 4 clasp bra down to 2. THIS IS HUGE.....for me anyways. I can actually shop in a normal lingerie store and not have to spend hundreds on a bra just cause my ta-tas are the size of a baby's head.....yayyyy for me!!!!!
Speaking of boobs, here is an update on mine.....
As some of you know I recently found a lump in my breast, for those that don't you can't read about it
here. My doc called yesterday (well the receptionist did, close enough) to tell me that the doc wants to see me because my results are in. I immediately took in a deep breath, and I know she heard it. Then she softly whispers into the phone
"the mammogram came back clear, but I didn't tell you that"
I can't even explain to you the relief at that moment. I didn't cry but I had a smile plastered on my face from ear to ear. I thanked her and said I would see her Monday. So I still have to wait 2 more days for the appointment, but at least I'm going in with a wayyyyy more positive outlook on life.

I am having some problems again with my hiatal hernia though, and it's making it hard to workout. Recently I have had some "bring me to my knees" chest pains and numbness in my left shoulder/arm area. I am still on medication for it, and then I also had tums, maalox, zantac you name it to help ease the horrible pains. Nothing worked. So off to the clinic I went. The doc prescribed me Nexium which I guess is stronger than what I take but in the same drug family. Well that didn't work so off to the hospital I went as the pain was sooooo bad. The ER Docs didn't like what was going on so they gave me some heavy duty pain meds (Percocet, but they are making me so dizzy & yucky feeling I don't want to take them) and I am scheduled for a Endoscopy, and then possibly surgery. I REALLY don't like the sound of that......
Now on to a totally unrelated topic......
Do you guys ever look at your stats for your blog???? Well I do, and I'm always curious as to how people find my blog or what search words they are typing into Google and then they come across me. Well last night I took a look and was totally shocked at how many disgusting people there are in this world and they are finding "my blog"
So I took a screen shot for you all so you can see my horror........
Isn't that GROSS?????
Well anyways this week I'm pretty much going to stay on track with what I have been doing. C25K, water and healthy eating, throw in a little bit of Zumba here, and a little bit of 30 Day Shred there and I will have it all covered. Pretty self explanatory.
For my US readers, don't forget to enter my
Gotein Giveaway. You have until next Friday!!!
Have a great week everyone, and don't forget to comment....it means the world to me!!!!