Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I'm having a bad few days people.....I have binged and "George" is making me irritable, feeling fat, and having no motivation at all. I have been up & down within the same 8lbs for the last month. This is not like me so I need to buck up and get me back on track. I want to be more of an optimist then a pessimist so I will leave you with a quote that I will be focussing on for the next week.

"Fear less, hope more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Hate less, love more; And all good things are yours."


  1. Hang in there! You look amazing and have come a long way, you know you can do this!!

  2. Aw Bon major suck fest! Sorry you been feelin that way. If it's any consolation I've been a train wreck this week. I've been making myself come to work, then when I get home I die. The last few days are a blur of snot, major grumps, comfort food & sleep.

    Will ping ya later x

  3. *HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGS* I have moments like this alllll the time. Hate 'em. But, you know what? They DO pass. ;)

  4. The second my husband gets home I will head to the post office. Nothing like a package to cheer you up, right?!?!? Especially a motivating one. :)

    I love the quote. Thank you.


  6. Don't you just wish you could go into a medically induced coma to avoid those George days?

    Hang in there. :)

  7. Sorry to hear it-you'll get it back. If you want to get crazy-I hear the moon cycle on the 23rd is a fantastic day to start a diet. LOL

  8. When did we start calling it "George"? I missed the memo! I thought it was Aunt Flo.
    Got this from my personal trainer ages ago, Bonnie: If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. I like it that it applies to all areas of life, not just fitness!

  9. @BettyZade Thanks girl...that's some awesome is so true....from now on I am gong to look at "George" as a positive thing...even though my hubby never will....hahahaha

    Oh and George is what I call it, you can call it whatever you like ;)

  10. you can dooo iiiittt! (rob schneider)

    We all can. Just take it as a bad week and punch forward.

  11. I sooo totally understand what your going through, I've completely fallen off track with my journey. (Fallen, but haven't given up) I need a nice hard kick in the rear or something lol But as long as you don't give up then you can accomplish everything you've set out to do :D

  12. Chin up, Cheer up!

    i totally dig that quote. gonna have to use it for something... :)

  13. here we go...

    cropped off part of a picture i took yesterday on a walk with my son. lol


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